June 18, 2018 – “Better Late Than Never”

Hello, everyone.

Before beginning this entry properly, the obvious inconsistency needs to be addressed: the day this post is being written is not June 18, 2018, but June 19. The reason for the late entry is due to the priority of my class work (it was due before midnight), thus my attention was diverted elsewhere. Nevertheless, this post will reflect the experiences to the best of my memory.

Before resuming the sorting of the George L. Stuart Collection, my duty of inspecting and cleaning (if need be) the silent study hall on the fifth floor had to be fulfilled. Most of the desks did not seem to be in such need, but the underside of one did need to scrubbed (nothing severe, though). The only concern I had was something on the carpet-like walls of one of the cubicle sets. I took a picture of it to show David Benjamin, but the Head of the Department was away for the day (did not show up the next day, either). This will be addressed when he returns, if custodial has not cleaned it by then.

Aside from a few misplaced chairs (one of which was returned after my lunch break as it was in use by a student), the inspection was completed in timely fashion. After returning to the office, I resumed my main task of sorting through George L. Stuart Collection and merging files (again). Thankfully, Kae had highlighted which folders in the Senate series needed to be merged (if they were capable). The process was almost automatic: retrieving the boxes that held the folders that could be merged, deciding if the folders can be merged, deciding which box would house them, and updating the speadsheet accordingly.

The process continued until one of the dreaded factors of working in the upstairs offices occurred: too many people, not enough computers. One of my fellow colleagues needed a computer to their own work. So, being the kindhearted person that I am, I offered them mine. All the other computers were being used, so I could not see the spreadsheet to continue my work. Kae came into the office not too long after and I explained the situation.

We both asked one of our colleagues if we could borrow the computer to make a short list of which boxes needed to merged from the spreadsheet. With the this handwritten list, we went to the storage room and continued our work. Fortunately, this short list was completed in time for a computer to be free for use and we resumed normal operations for the rest of the day. A solid portion of the entire Senate series had been completed by the time of my departure.

There is not much to write of regarding my work due the tedious nature attributed to it. But, I was satisfied with the progress made. Normally, there would be a “enjoy the rest of the day” message at this point in the entry. However, due to the lateness of this entry, there will be another entry relating to today’s events. Another entry will be made soon, so look forward to it!

Author: 57r3l574d

I am currently a Graduate Student at the University of Central Florida and simultaneously employed by the university library's Special Collections and University Archives as a Other Personnel Service (OPS) Student. Expected to graduate in 2019 with a History MA - Public History Track.

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