November 5, 2018 – “Refridgerators and Tomes”

Hello, everyone!

Today was a very busy day.  In addition to my normal cleaning duties, I had been asked by Ms. Rubin last week to clean the office’s mini-refrigerator. After which, I continued to numerate the folders of the George L. Stuart, Jr. Collection. Finally, I assisted the staff in unloading massive books (could really be described as tomes) from the Municipal Courts of the City of Sandford that ranged from 1922 to 1976. All in all, there was not a shortage of activity at the Archives.

As usual on Mondays, my responsibility was to clean the fifth-floor study hall. Unlike the recent past few weeks, the desks were not too messy. As such, I was able to finish in relatively short fashion under twenty-two minutes. As I was returning the cleaning supplies, I remembered Ms. Rubin’s instructions from to clean the mini-fridge in the office. Fortunately, she was in the office and asked for further instructions. She told me to use the Lysol wipes I had been using for the study hall to clean the interior of the fridge.

Before I could clean the fridge’s interior, the contents had to be removed. The only contents inside were two half-empty bottles of Coca-Cola, a carton of orange juice, and a sandwich. I tried to remove the grated top shelf, but the door could not fully open due to the position of the fridge. As such, I cleaned around this slight hindrance.

As last Friday was the beginning of a new pay period, my timesheet needed to be updated to reflect this change. As I updated the timesheet, I noted that next Monday was Veterans Day and the library will be closed on that day. Therefore, there will be no blogpost next Monday.

Once the timesheet was updated, I retrieved the last box from the George L. Stuart, Jr. Collection I remembered to have its folders enumerated. To my pleasant surprise, Boxes 16 through 19 already had its folders enumerated. I deduced that Courtney had done so on Friday and I thanked her for doing so when she arrived at the office. I resumed the numerating task with Box 20 and continued until Box 25.

I was only three folders away from completing Box 25 when I was informed that Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Ogreten needed help unloading collection materials from the loading dock. So, Ms. Rubin, Chris Saclolo, and I grabbed two carts and took the elevator to the first floor. We waited until Mr. Benjamin arrived with the library’s van that had its back filled very large books. One of the mail workers commented that those books were more like “tomes” and I agreed with the statement.

I discovered these “tomes” were records from the Municipal  Court of the City of Sandford, ranging from 1922 to 1976. These large books filled five carts before transporting them to the fourth floor, where they were deposited in a room operated by the Special Collections and University Archives. Apparently, the room is used to store paintings from various collections.

After depositing the “tomes,” I returned to the office to finish Box 25’s folders. My shift came to a close and Box 25 was placed on its shelf. I said farewell to the staff and left for the day.

In review, the fifth-floor study hall and the office’s mini-fridge was cleaned, the folders of Boxes 20-25 of the George L. Stuart, Jr. Collection were enumerated, and “tomes” were unloaded. Aside from unexpected occurances, enumeration of the folders of Box 26 and beyond are priortized for tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the evening and stay safe! Bye!


Author: 57r3l574d

I am currently a Graduate Student at the University of Central Florida and simultaneously employed by the university library's Special Collections and University Archives as a Other Personnel Service (OPS) Student. Expected to graduate in 2019 with a History MA - Public History Track.

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